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Income Tax

Optimize Your Tax Planning: Understanding Investment Options

As the financial year (FY) 2023-24 approaches its conclusion, it’s crucial for individuals to undertake effective tax planning. There’s a myriad of investment options available to save on taxes while aiming for respectable returns. Prior to selecting an investment instrument, investors should assess their risk appetite, investment objectives, and time horizon. Constructing a portfolio should […]


Understanding Mutual Fund Total Expense Ratio (TER) in India

Mutual funds and asset management companies (AMCs) in India are mandated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to levy certain expenses known as the total expense ratio (TER) for managing mutual fund schemes. The TER encompasses various costs such as management fees, administrative fees, distribution fees, auditing fees, legal fees, and other […]

Company Law

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) regulations in India mandate eligible companies to allocate a minimum of 2% of their average net profit from the preceding three financial years towards CSR projects. These regulations apply to companies meeting certain financial thresholds, including: A CSR committee is required to be constituted by compliant companies, responsible for formulating annual […]

Securities Law

Competing Offers: Regulations and Procedures

When a public announcement is made for an open offer to acquire shares of a target company, any individual or entity other than the acquiring party making the initial announcement has the right to issue a public announcement for an open offer within fifteen working days from the detailed public statement made by the first […]


Exploring Various Types of Mergers

Types of Mergers a) Horizontal Merger: A horizontal merger occurs when companies selling similar products in the same market and competing directly merge. This consolidation aims to benefit from economies of scale, reduce competition, and potentially attain monopoly status. An example is Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram in 2012 to expand its market share and product […]


Understanding Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) represent transformative transactions wherein the ownership of companies, business entities, or operational divisions is combined or transferred. As a strategic management practice, M&A enables enterprises to expand, streamline, and redefine their business operations or competitive positions. It involves the consolidation of two entities into one cohesive unit. A merger is a […]

Securities Law

High Networth Individuals (HNIs)

HNIs or high net worth individuals is a class of individuals who are distinguished from other retail segment based on their net wealth, assets and investible surplus. While there is no standard put forth for the classification, the definition of HNIs varies with the geographical area as well as financial markets and institutions. Though there […]