
Dabur announced on Wednesday its plans to inaugurate a new manufacturing unit in southern India, earmarking an investment of Rs 135 crore for this endeavor. The facility will be dedicated to producing a diverse range of Dabur’s Ayurvedic Healthcare, personal care, and home care products, including popular items like Dabur Honey, Dabur Red Paste, and Odonil air fresheners, as outlined in a statement by Dabur India.

During a board meeting held on Wednesday, the homegrown FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) and Ayurvedic products manufacturer officially sanctioned an investment of Rs 135 crore for establishing this greenfield facility in southern India. Dabur India’s CEO, Mohit Malhotra, noted that the decision to set up the new manufacturing facility is in response to the increased business activity in south India, which presently contributes to 18-20 percent of Dabur’s domestic business.

Highlighting the significance of the move, Malhotra stated, “This is not only an opportunity to bring more jobs to the region but also allows us to further expand our manufacturing capabilities and meet the growing need for Dabur products in south India.” This upcoming unit will mark the company’s 14th domestic manufacturing location, adding to its existing portfolio of well-known brands such as Dabur Amla, Dabur Vatika, and the juice brand Real.

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