Sebi Whole Time Member Kamlesh Chandra Varshney cautioned against market manipulations on Saturday, urging brokers to remain vigilant and prevent such activities.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has been actively taking measures to combat various forms of market manipulation, including front running activities, by taking action against involved entities. Varshney stressed the significance of maintaining investor trust, highlighting that without it, “everything will fail.”

Acknowledging the presence of manipulative activities in the market, Varshney noted that Sebi cannot address every instance and emphasized the responsibility of brokers in monitoring for such behaviors. He warned that allowing “bad elements” into the system could pose risks.

Varshney made these remarks during the 13th international convention of the Association of National Exchanges Members of India (ANMI) in New Delhi.

Additionally, as the Whole Time Member of Sebi, Varshney underscored the importance for entities to embrace technological advancements to enhance efficiency and business practices.

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